Sunday, October 30, 2016

The Beginning

Every journey has a beginning, every path taken has that first step.  Here is mine. In making my way to becoming a better person, I decided accountability to others, even to the  anonymous persons out there in cyberspace, is one way to keep myself on track. Forgive my blogging transgressions - I have no idea what I'm doing, other than throwing my thoughts to the wind.

I see a Smith as someone who creates something with their hands, and I am creating and enhancing the joy in my life with my hands. I will do this through a powerful mind, a fit body, a kind heart, a happy soul, a clean home, food in my garden, good husbandry for my animals, and most importantly, being a good wife and mother. Because being a good wife and mother (let's set some lofty goals - a Great wife and mother) is what it's all about, and all those other things help me accomplish my goal. Who can be joyful and peaceful with three loads of laundry to do, nothing ready for dinner, weeds in the garden, dusty TV, and a mess of papers to organize? Not me. So here begins the real kick-start for change.  It's been a gradually beginning, but now I'm headed up the bell curve to sit at the top and never come down.

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