Friday, November 25, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

   Happy Thanksgiving!! Yes, it was yesterday, but yesterday my focus was on enjoying my family and the day. And it was a long day, but great. Everything was cooked deliciously and on time. We actually ate 15 minutes early! I'm pretty sure that's a first for big dinners in our family. My 4-step system worked wonderfully and I was able to enjoy the day.
   Lest you start thinking our family is some sort of Normal Rockwell vision, here's the highlights of non-perfection: I missed putting the parade on TV, one person was late with a dinner item, my son was shot in the eye with a nerf bullet but without any permanent damage (this was due to some blind shooting since we have a no head shot policy here ... and now all the kids know why), the turkey got served in the kitchen as Hubby was cutting it since an unnamed in-law couldn't wait to say grace and my "line" got slightly out of wack, there was some hurt feelings when a discussion on differing parenting philosophies ended with someone leaving early without saying goodbye, the slow cookers didn't get washed until 10pm when Hubby was almost too tired to stand and unable to help, and Princess took 4 books to fall asleep.
  So, yes, a little confusion, a late cleanup, and  some drama yet to be resolved, but overall a very good day. I got to sit and enjoy company instead of running around crazy ALL day, and spend down time with Hubby and kids, and read them to sleep. Yes, a very joyful day.

Joyfully yours,

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